Posts tagged advertising

Your mom will hate Dead Space 2 [TEASER]
Jan 24th
We have covered Dead Space 2 in some detail recently, but their new teaser campaign is definately something worth checking out. They have taken a reaaly fun approach here… interviewing mom’s to see what they thought of Dead Space 2. Their findings? Your mom will hate it…

The Chase - by Intel
Jan 12th
Intel created this matrix / any other action movie type video. I just think the video is pretty neat - sadly didn’t take too much notice of what they actually advertising. But anywhoo have fun with the myriad of screens and scenarios that the chase takes place in.

BMW leaves a lasting impression with cinema goers
Dec 15th
I wonder what is up with all my car videos of late. But it really does seem like the car manufacturers are stepping up and doing some really awesome campaigns. I approve of this out of the box thinking.

Audi inspires artists with a white piece of paper
Dec 8th
Nothing inspires artists more than a white piece of paper. It’s as easy as that. A billboard that started off its life as something quite plain and ended as a beautiful, hand painted salute to the Audi A7

Entourage stars feat in NFS Hot Pursuit campaign
Nov 17th
This November, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit will be launching globally. The latest installment of this popular series is looking to redfine the world of open style racing. Criteron (the guys behind the Burnout series) are putting a lot of effort into promoting this title. They have even gone as far as to enlist the help of Entourage stars Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon) and Turtle (Jerry Ferrara). Awesome hey?