Mobile is radical

Sony Ericsson unveil the sexy Xperia Arc
Jan 6th
Sony Ericsson have just unveiled a super sexy slim smartphone called the Xperia Arc. It seems that the core focus of this device is photography as it boosts some really hot camera features including the Exmor R sensor for shooting in low light as well as an HDMI out port.

Fable 3 coming to Windows Phone 7
Jan 6th
At Microsoft’s CES keynote Press Conference this morning, Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer announced that the hugely popular Fable franchise is going to be released for Windows Phone 7. Fable: Coin Golf will allow players to earn money for their Xbox 360/PC character while playing away from their console.

Official Sony Playstation app coming in 2011
Dec 20th
Sony just announced that they will launch the Official PlayStation App very soon (we’re guessing early 2011). The app will be available to download for iPhone and iPod Touch with OS 4 and above, and most Android compatible handsets.

Gowalla VS Foursquare [INFOGRAPHIC]
Dec 14th
SXSW 2011 is fast approaching. We found this really cool infographic showing the buzz created at this year’s SXSW (2010) between Geo-Location rivals Foursquare and Gowalla.

Double your iPhone 4 battery life with Juice Pack
Dec 3rd
The guys at have done it again, providing a new solution for extra power for your iPhone 4. One of the biggest problems with today’s feature rich smartphones is the power they consume.

Cool HTML5 website - Ben the Bodygaurd
Dec 3rd
We came across this cool little site for a new iPhone app that keeps your personal data secure. Its a very cool design that demonstrates a totally different way to navigate a webpage.

New smartphone app to become your personal STD clinic
Nov 11th
STD testing could very soon hit the Smartphone. UK researchers are developing the tech that could see clinic appointments and waiting for results a thing of the past.

iPhone 5: What to expect
Nov 10th
With the launch of the iPhone 4 and tons of HD apps, many have been wondering what Apple could possibly do to improve the iPhone 4. Well, we take a look at the potential new features of the iPhone 5.

Nokia E-Cu uses heat to charge [UPDATED]
Nov 9th
Say what? Yes you heard me right. Patrick Hyland a graduate from Central Saint Martins has designed this awesome Nokia handset, it’s a phone that doesn’t need a charger. The heat from being tucked away safely in your back pocket, or the heat from a lamp could be enough to keep your phone charged.

Stereotyping iPhone, BlackBerry & Android users
Nov 9th
We all stereotype other people without even thinking, this image gives us some insight into how iPhone, Blackberry and Android users see themselves and how others see them.