Posts tagged design

Playbutton: this blows my mind!
Oct 20th
It’s a button badge that also plays a band’s album. Like an iPod. But not. Because it’s a badge. Awesome.

Kat von D introduces an interactive lower back tattoo
Sep 15th
Yep, you read the title right. Watch the clip and watch her at work. Also, check out the guy with the Augmented Reality tattoo.

Wazzat? Speak-ers, duh.
Sep 8th
The cutest little speakers! I want one! Or two… Yeah, maybe two would be better.

What is this HTML 5 all about?
Sep 8th
So what is HTML 5 really and why is it making me so giddy? It’s a new weapon in Google’s arsenal and is actually still in developmental stages; whops. But lets explore this a bit more.
In the eye of the storm
Aug 25th
Artist Lawrence Malstaf creates a simulation of a typhoon which you can literally experience from a chair. It’ll blow your hair back. Chuckle chuckle.

Smarties asks adults and children to collaborate
Aug 25th
The 8 Colours of Fun campaign is all about pairing 8 children - one for each of the Smarties colours - with 8 artists. This due is then tasked with coming up with an artwork that is inspired by their chosen Smartie colour.
A bike with a brain: Follow him on Twitter
Aug 19th
So there’s this bike. It’s been ridden across the US in aid of Livestrong. It has a brain and will be tweeting. A bike that tweets. ‘Nuff said.
The new age of advertising: crowdsourcing campaigns
Aug 18th
Idea Bounty is a site where you can sign up, work on a brief (along with a gazillion other creative-wannabes around the world) and submit an idea. If the client digs your stuff, you will get the bounty/mula/dosh/cash! Har har.
Create your own online oil spill
Jul 28th
BP has been getting their fare share of hate now you can create your own environmental disaster and get some attention because of it. This little oil spill might what you are looking for.