
La Roux Review

Gotta love the sound of that - La Roux Review. Not as good as the actual album itself believe it or not. This latest album is an awesome tribute to 80′s style retro indie rock. There will be many more great reviews coming soon. Below is an review from clashmusic.com:

Having spent months all over the media and topping the BBC’s annual Sound Of poll, Little Boots should be running things by now. But despite the easy-going catchiness of ‘New In Town’, she’s so far failed to break the top ten. La Roux, on the other hand, should be the underdog. You wouldn’t expect the androgynous looks and sharp falsetto of singer Elly Jackson to easily strike such a chord with the record-buying public, yet massive single ‘In For The Kill’ spent weeks in the upper reaches of the charts. Even the music is a surprise win: where Little Boots’ tunes feel like glossy 21st Century hits, La Roux is pure retro synth-pop.

La-roux, la roux, album, review

Of course, everyone’s going a bit ‘80s at the moment, but La Roux’s debut is the ultimate expression of our newfound love for that once-maligned decade. Much of that comes down to Jackson’s low-profile partner Ben Langmaid. He helped introduce her to the likes of the Human League and Eurythmics, whose unmistakable presence is felt on every track. Yet for all the ripping off of their electronic forebears, the pair have created an unforgettable and edgy pop record.

Launching into the album with ‘In For The Kill’ does exactly what the song title promises: kicking off an attack of irresistible tunes and arresting production. Followed in short succession by the equally catchy ‘Tigerlily’ and singles ‘Quicksand’ and ‘Bulletproof’, the band falls into that classic trap of using up their best material rather quickly. However, apart from a couple of later tracks, the album is far from filler and still delivers blow after blow of superb songcraft.


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