Archive for December, 2010

Double your iPhone 4 battery life with Juice Pack
Dec 3rd
The guys at have done it again, providing a new solution for extra power for your iPhone 4. One of the biggest problems with today’s feature rich smartphones is the power they consume.

Cool HTML5 website - Ben the Bodygaurd
Dec 3rd
We came across this cool little site for a new iPhone app that keeps your personal data secure. Its a very cool design that demonstrates a totally different way to navigate a webpage.

Delorean Time Machine Hard Drive
Dec 2nd
Oh yes! Hell YES!! Please allow me to introduce the Flash Rods 1:18 Delorean stainless steal hard drive car.

Kings of Leon LIVE in South Africa [UPDATE]
Dec 2nd
Big big news! The Kings of Leon are on their way to South Africa for the first time. All the details here - ticket sales, dates and venues…

Custom Adidas social network sneaker designs
Dec 1st
Previously Adidas have partnered with Star Wars to bring the world a range of epic fanboy kit, but designer Gerry Mckay has taken this co-branded concpet a step further. Below are two concepts that Gerry has designed for Adidas Facebook and Twitter sneakers.

Top search queries on Yahoo in 2010 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Dec 1st
2010 is quickly fading away (unlike Justin Beiber unfortunately). Yahoo have released a report showing some interesting statistics on the most popular search through their search platform.