Heike Meyburgh
A professional dabbler in digital PR and minion in the realms of Pixel Vulture.
Homepage: http://www.twitter.com/HeikeMey
Posts by Heike Meyburgh

PixelVulture fights climate change with Brighter Planet’s 350 Challenge
Jan 13th
Being green. Looking out for the environment. Doing our bit. All of these come down to doing good for the environment and the only planet we call home. From recycling, to walking instead of driving all help, but did you know by merely being a blogger we can do our bit too?

The Chase - by Intel
Jan 12th
Intel created this matrix / any other action movie type video. I just think the video is pretty neat - sadly didn’t take too much notice of what they actually advertising. But anywhoo have fun with the myriad of screens and scenarios that the chase takes place in.

Predictions for 2011 by Alex Blagg [VIDEO]
Jan 5th
To get you in the mood of what to expect here is a line that has stuck with me: “There will be a ton of real huge deals, who are the players? It doesn’t matter”

Cellphone habits [INFOGRAPHIC]
Jan 4th
Increasingly more and more people are glued to their phones, always checking, updating and chatting with their thumbs. So of course this medium was going to get an infographic. And of course we would share it with you.

BMW leaves a lasting impression with cinema goers
Dec 15th
I wonder what is up with all my car videos of late. But it really does seem like the car manufacturers are stepping up and doing some really awesome campaigns. I approve of this out of the box thinking.

These are a few of my favourite things (The Social Network remix)
Dec 13th
It is December after all, so productivity is nearing zero and fun things get our attention. Well this is a classic song by the Von Trapp Family in The Sound of Music, but with a social media twist.
Have fun.…

Audi inspires artists with a white piece of paper
Dec 8th
Nothing inspires artists more than a white piece of paper. It’s as easy as that. A billboard that started off its life as something quite plain and ended as a beautiful, hand painted salute to the Audi A7

A Life on Facebook [Video]
Nov 15th
A fantastic short movie/video. Join Alex on his journey through his life as seen through Facebook.

Plug-in doesn’t let you drink and tweet
Nov 11th
The scenario: A night out drinking. The hours pass. You get home. Still not tired enough to go to bed, so what do you do? Check Facebook of course. The scenarios are endless, the repercussions are permanent. There is a solution out there.

Ladies you can now Adopt A Guy
Nov 10th
Online shopping is fantastic. We get to look, browse and window shop to our heart’s content, and then once in a while we decide to purchase a few items.Now add the feeling you get when you walk into a pet shelter and have to choose only one pet to take home. Now take these concepts/ideas and translate this into an online dating site. Voila. AdoptAGuy