Posts tagged iPad

The Explosion of the iPad and tablet devices
Nov 17th
The launch of Apple’s iPad recieved a wide range of critisim, with one of the main points being “I have a laptop, I have a smartphone, why would I need an iPad?” Here is a great infographic showing the explosion of the iPad and the tablet device industry.

Read your Twitter feed as a daily newspaper
Aug 30th
Yep, you read the headline right. is rocking the world.
4 smart guys. 1 iPad. Lots of beer.
Aug 26th
So, what happens when a bunch of engineers put their brilliant minds together? What world problems do they solve? What amazing machines do they come up with? Read on to see…
Alice in Wonderland: Interactive iPad eBook
Apr 14th
The new Alice in Wonderland e-book provides a fun and interactive way to read by using the Apple iPad. Have a look at the video below to see the book in action.
The 5 Funniest “iPad” Parodies!
Feb 1st
There has just been way too much hype around the launch of the Apple iPad in recent weeks. Are you tired of hearing about “Why the iPad is the best ever…” Well we are. We have seen some really hilarious iPad parodies and thought that we would do what we do best; scavenge the web to find the best examples of these and bring them all to one place.
The iPad takes centre stage and shows us what it can do
Jan 28th
After literally months of speculation, the majority of it completely uninformed, Apple CEO Steve Jobs took the stage in San Francisco to unveil the iPad, Apple’s first entry into the mobile tablet market, and at first glance, the iPad has got all the nifty little goodies we love
Apple iPad revealed!
Jan 27th
Wow! So as correctly predicted, Apple have announceed their latest addition to the digital history books. Its called the Apple iPad. We’ve been following the announcement very closely and have some great pics of Steve Jobs’ presentation courtesy of Engadget.