Designers are trendy

Retro 8bit Angry Birds
Dec 15th
Everyone knows and loves the the highly addictive mobile game ‘Angry Birds’ by Rovio Mobile Ltd. We have dug up some really cool pics of what Angry Birds would look like as a 90′s style 8bit retro game.

Dec 12th
One of the sickest mountain bike edits you will ever have the privilege of checking out. Rad video.

Double your iPhone 4 battery life with Juice Pack
Dec 3rd
The guys at have done it again, providing a new solution for extra power for your iPhone 4. One of the biggest problems with today’s feature rich smartphones is the power they consume.

Cool HTML5 website - Ben the Bodygaurd
Dec 3rd
We came across this cool little site for a new iPhone app that keeps your personal data secure. Its a very cool design that demonstrates a totally different way to navigate a webpage.

Delorean Time Machine Hard Drive
Dec 2nd
Oh yes! Hell YES!! Please allow me to introduce the Flash Rods 1:18 Delorean stainless steal hard drive car.

Custom Adidas social network sneaker designs
Dec 1st
Previously Adidas have partnered with Star Wars to bring the world a range of epic fanboy kit, but designer Gerry Mckay has taken this co-branded concpet a step further. Below are two concepts that Gerry has designed for Adidas Facebook and Twitter sneakers.

A real world Portal gun [VIDEO]
Nov 24th
Do you need somehting to help pass the time before the launch of Portal 2? Tired of eating cake? Need to escape your office cubicle? Well here is something for you, a real world Portal gun.

Johnny Cash Project: Awesome crowdsourcing campaign
Oct 28th
The Johnny Cash Project is a collective music video, fashioned from drawings done by users from across the web. The site features a drawing tool, which allows you illustrate a frame from the video. These images weave together to create an ever-changing work of art.

The Guggenheim has spoken and chosen the best of the best
Oct 22nd
The Guggenheim Museum had their YouTube Play jury choose the best of the best on YouTube. These chosen videos will be immortalised. Can’t make it to the museums then come and watch the videos and be entertained.

New Tracker Campaign - Epic 75 second advert
Oct 21st
Tracker - the vehicle recovery company has just launched a massive campaign across SA. An epic 75 second TV advert was shot for this campaign using only still images.