The new age of advertising: crowdsourcing campaigns
Aug 18th
Idea Bounty is a site where you can sign up, work on a brief (along with a gazillion other creative-wannabes around the world) and submit an idea. If the client digs your stuff, you will get the bounty/mula/dosh/cash! Har har.

Displax Skin: Make any surface a touchscreen
Aug 18th
Skin is a product developed by Displax that is a very simple to use technology. Skin is basically a wafer thin film that can be used on any non-metallic surface, instantly transforming that surface into an interactive touch screen.
The rise of text messages - infographic
Aug 18th
The rise of text messages has consistently risen over the years and there seems to be no end in sight for these 160 character messages.

Hockey - They have heart!
Aug 17th
Hockey is an indie group which formed in 2002 in Portland, Oregon, United States. They consist of Ben Grubin (vocals), Brian White (guitar), Jeremy Reynolds (bass) and Anthony Stassi (drums). The group’s debut album “Mind Chaos” was issued on September 28, 2009. It contains the singles “Too Fake” and “Song Away”.
Limbo: Dark. Twisted. Brilliant.
Aug 16th
This is an epically cool new platform game that is available on Xbox Live. It is totally fresh and different. The first thing you will notice about this game is the design. The levels are deserted and everything is a sillouette. The feeling of solitude is compounded by the haunting music.

The Tweet button has arrived
Aug 16th
Twitter has just announced their very own Tweet button. This will make sharing content through Twitter - we have the code so you can join in on the fun.

Tech4Africa conference in Johannesburg. I was there!
Aug 13th
Some take outs (that I actually understood) from the Tech4Africa.

The Realm of Social Media - Infographic
Aug 13th
We have all heard population comparisons for major social media platforms “If Facebook was a country it would be bigger than X…” Well the guys from Flowtown have taken this concept and built an entire map of the realm of social media.
Game Launch Stunt: Plastic guitars dumped into Icelandic volcano
Aug 11th
The game “Power Gig: Rise of the six string” uses the fact that it has a real guitar instead of the fake versions as it’s unique selling point. So what better way to drive home this point than to drop a plane full of fake plastic guitars into an Icelandic volcano.