Digital Trends
What is cutting edge in the digital world? Find out here.

Stereotyping iPhone, BlackBerry & Android users
Nov 9th
We all stereotype other people without even thinking, this image gives us some insight into how iPhone, Blackberry and Android users see themselves and how others see them.

New Scrabble ad: Only the French would dream this up.
Nov 8th
The new Scrabble ad. Bizarre, bizarre, bizarre. It will melt your mind.

When do people break up? Facebook breakups [Infographics]
Nov 8th
Breakups are usually messy and now thanks to social media very public. So on a complete scientific level, lets take a look at when most breakups occur according to Facebook.
Are Apps taking over the world?
Nov 8th
Apps, apps, apps, that is all you ever hear! Apps have changed they way that we use mobile devices, providing loads of great services to users and an endless revenue stream to phone companies. This infographic from Flowtown shows just how important apps have become.

Evolution of the Geek
Nov 5th
Believe it or not but us Geeks have been around for millions of years. Since the dawn of time Geeks have secretly ruled the world. Check out this awesome Evolution of the Geek infographic done by Flowtown.

This video shot entirely on a phone
Oct 27th
It seems that this whole video was shot using a Nokia N8 and we have to admit that the video looks damn good.

New Tracker Campaign - Epic 75 second advert
Oct 21st
Tracker - the vehicle recovery company has just launched a massive campaign across SA. An epic 75 second TV advert was shot for this campaign using only still images.

Global stats updated in real time
Oct 21st
Welcome to Worldometers - a real-time representation of births, deaths, cars produced, money spent by government, computers sold, blog posts published, number of obese people in the world, cigarettes smoked today and so much more.

Email vs Snail Mail: Infographic
Oct 14th
So we are in the digital/information age. However a lot of people still post letters to each other (I have no idea why, maybe for the retro feel it has?) So Pingdom have done some research and compared the two - email vs standard post.

Yoda and Darth Vader recordings for TomTom GPS - behind the scenes
Oct 12th
The title pretty much says it all. Watch these videos and have a good giggle *Tracey raises her hand and Jedi Mind Tricks you*